“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” (Romans 8:14)


Josiah was someone who is a good example of being led by the Lord.  One of his reformations, among many others, was to restore Passover. Celebrating it was a practice that had been abandoned.  He re-established bringing offerings to the Lord and serving in the Temple.  It says that never since the time of Samuel had there been such a Passover celebration where all the people, priests, and Levites came together from all over Judah and Israel. But right after this big event, Josiah made a decision to pick a fight with King Neco from Egypt.   Him and all his troops marched out to do battle.  The King tried to detour him, letting him know that they had no quarrel and he was out to fight another nation as God was leading him. King Neco warned Josiah, “Do not interfere with God, who is with me, or He will destroy you.” (2 Chronicles 35:21) I’m sure Josiah reasoned that God had used him in powerful ways and that they were doing incredible work. God surely had to be on their side. At the same time, King Neco was evil. Josiah reasoned to himself that God would support him and that God would not support Neco, who did evil. There is a difference between faith that is worked up or based upon reason and faith that rests on the promises of God.   But sometimes, it can be difficult to discern which is which.  It is not just because we believe that we see God move on our behalf.   There are plenty of believing people who have died.  Josiah is an example of one.

God is not going to keep us from foolish decisions that are made in arrogance, our own reason or assumptions.  So how do we know the difference?  How do we know when we are standing in faith and when we are standing in false assumptions?  And how do we know if we can potentially sway God like Hezekiah?

Presumption is to insist that something is true when it is not proven or certain. Presumption is a sin of rebellion and is rooted in arrogance. It involves making an assumption without consulting God and acting on it. The Israelites showed presumption at AI when they went in with a small troop and expected to win while failing to consult God.

When we take unnecessary risks and presume that God will have our back without consulting Him, we may just find that we fall on our face. While He protects us from harm, it is as we walk in obedience, following and trusting Him. Presumption seems to be the opposite. It is taking a faith position and stepping out without being led by the Spirit rather than stepping out into the unknown in trust out of obedience.

Presumption ends badly. We cannot force our own will by "acting in faith." We must hear from god and walk in faith. Yet, Jesus says that if we speak to a mountain, and have faith, it will be moved. And He cursed a fig tree and it died.

Josiah felt safe and protected in God’s hands.  However, he overstepped his bounds and failed to consult God when he went to battle against Neco.  He was probably arrogant from having such an impact as King and made a foolish choice.

So what about believing in faith for healing?

Hezekiah, when he had a terminal wound, sought the Lord and asked Him to intervene and heal his infected wound. Even though circumstances would have turned about better for the people of God (speaking of giving the Babylonians a tour) if Hezekiah died, God gave him 15 more years.   Hezekiah still wanted a sign to believe and received one.  There are also times that someone kept believing for their healing when all odds were against their situation, and it was terminal, yet they lived.   They received an incredible and unexplainable miracle.  The Roman Centurion came to Jesus and received healing because of his faith.

When Lot lived in Sodom and Gomorrah, God let Abraham negotiate with Him to spare the people in the land and not destroy it.  However, Abraham did not go far enough down with his numbers. Other times, God brought about something without negotiation.  There was no discussion before Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt for her disobedience. In my own experience, when my first pastor had cancer, everyone was praying for her to be healed.  We were hoping.  God didn’t speak one way or the other but about a week before she went home, He spoke clearly to me that He was taking her home and to say my goodbyes and stop praying for healing.  He said she was going to joy unspeakable and full of glory. Another time, I was praying for someone at my church for their wife to be healed of cancer.  She was not healed either, and about a month before she went home, God spoke clearly to stop praying for healing and pray for the family to be comforted and adjust.   Yet, an employee of mine had stage 4 breast cancer.  I was devastated when I heard it and spent time praying for her every day.  I felt this overwhelming burden to pray and petition God for her healing, so I did so every day.  She did exceptionally well during treatment and recovered quickly. The cancer was completely eradicated.  

I have heard testimonies of people being miraculously healed from cancer with no treatment or chemotherapy, but I have not experienced it with anyone close to me. The friends I know who received healing also received medical treatment. God has done no small miracles in my own family and my life.  He has healed me powerfully from depression and then anxiety.  He also healed me physically before.  It felt like scales falling off as the sickness left my body.   And for my husband, he still has direct sight even though they said he would be totally blind by ten years ago.  My middle boy also had maintained kidney function sufficient to not need a transplant when they said he would need one when he hit his growth spurt.  He received a prophetic word that he was “a walking miracle.”  Finally, God has done no small miracles for my smallest.  I am astonished and grateful.  Finally, a previous pastor of mine who retired was given a diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis some seven or so years back seems to be doing really well.  Many years ago, I had a word for him that God had for him “a long life and lasting heritage.”  Then God spoke clearly to me when I heard the diagnosis and prayed that his faith would sustain him. Later, I heard Him speak that he would break off the generational curse and be healed; finally, I heard God say that this pastor would help other pastors to get freedom and healing from physical ailments. 

At the time of Jesus, just about everyone who sought Him out received healing.  Not one was turned away.  Even the gentile who took scraps from the table received healing.  And with Peter and Paul, those who even got in their shadow were healed.  So why do we not see more miracles today? And why do most our miracles come through God using medical people to help?  What I am looking for in all this is some sort of understanding. I want to find a recipe in the mix, but I can’t find one. I can find no consistent pattern in how and why healing happens at times and sometimes doesn’t. 

What I do see is that a pattern of seeking and leaning into God is never in vain. It is what is needed in every circumstance and trail. God does not give us a formula because what He is looking for is reliance, not methodology. He rewards faithfulness. Here is why I am looking for understanding, a dear friend of mine has a very aggressive form of cancer, and many of us are standing in faith for her healing, but it has not come.  She is getting substantially worse, and it is not looking good.  I pray every day for her but have not received a word that she will be healed.  It feels a little tinny and empty to pretend the cancer doesn't exist and isn't spreading. Yet, I know God is pleased with her; I have even dreamed about her being His Valentine and is so delighted by her trust.   Here is the deal: I adore her, too, and really want to keep her. While I cannot control the outcome, here are some things I do know and can stand on: ·         Suffering is not a punishment.  It is part of our broken world.  One thing that we can be guaranteed in this life is that “In this world, we will have trouble.” ·         God loves us immensely.   While we cannot understand why some things happen the way they do, none of it is because of his lack of love for us.  ·         God is good.  God does nothing outside the enormity of His love and goodness.  He does not hold grudges and make our lives difficult out of hate.  Rather, he disciplines the ones he loves. ·         God’s ways are not our ways.   His thoughts are not our thoughts.   We cannot figure it all out.  This is where trust comes in.  We need to trust in His love for us even when it is confusing and chaotic all around us.  And when He does not do what we expect, we can rest in His plan is best.   ·         No matter the situation, the ultimate outcome is the same.  Jesus Christ holds the key over death and hades.  They have no hold on us.  This life is not the end; no matter what happens, we will experience an eternity with Him.  All our tears will be wiped away, and we will see clearly where we seem dimly now.   Jesus, You are the Rock we can stand on when all other ground seems to be shaking.   Help us to look to and trust You even when we do not understand what you are doing.  And a kind favor, as you did with your best friend Lazarus, in Your mercy, heal my friend. 


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