
Showing posts from March, 2009

Thoughts on "Fire Within," Chapter 8: The Freedom of Detachment

Thoughts on "Fire Within, Chapter 7: Conditions for Growth: St. Teresa" by Thomas Dubay

Thoughts on Fenelon, Let God, To a Friend Wondering How to Pray

Nehemiah, An Authentic Leader and Builder for God

I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, my soul will exult in my God!!

My Thoughts on Fenelon, Let God, “To a Religious God-Resister”

Planted in Fertile Soil Beside Abundant Waters

Thoughts on "Let Go" by Fenelon, Letter 40, the Circumcision of the Heart

My thoughts on "Let Go" by Fenelon, Letter 38, Resisting God, an Effective Hindrance to Grace