“Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? (James 2:5)

A young man who is poor and wise is better than the old, foolish king who wont take advice any longer.” (Eccl. 4:13)

Jesus says in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

And in Luke 6:20 it is quoted as, “You who are poor are blessed, because the kingdom of God is yours.”

Mother Teresa notes that the poor teach us humility. She says, “having little, they feel small, unimportant, dependent, ready to receive.”

The poor don't feel like they have all the answers but they are in need. They are looking to be filled, to receive wisdom, and to learn.

The don't need to impress others by putting on a good show because they are not filled with self importance, status, and important things to do. They are real about their struggles and needing help. And all they have to give is themselves just as they are.

When we think we have all the answers we no longer are learning. Like the old king, we think we have the answers and are looking to give others the gift of our great advice rather than receive it for ourselves.

The truth is that everyone has something to teach us if we are open to learn and receive from them. Blessed are those who let go of their self-importance, get real about their life, and look for what they can learn and receive from others around them.

And if we see ourselves as unimportant, we are not insulted when we are not treated well. We don't have expectations on others based upon our own importance that others have to live up to. We can let ourselves and how we are treated go so that we can genuinely love those around us.

Lord, give us hearts that are hungry to learn and see our own poverty without Your wisdom in our lives.


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