I am your Shepherd

"The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always.
He provides me rest in rich, green fields beside streams of refreshing water.
He soothes my fears;
He makes me whole again,
steering me off worn, hard paths
to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.
Even in the unending shadows of death's darkness,
I am not overcome by fear.
Because You are with me in those dark moments,
near with Your protection and guidance,
I am comforted.
You spread out a table before me,
provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies;
You care for all my needs,
anointing my head with soothing, fragrant oil,
filling my cup again and again with Your grace.
Certainly Your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me
where I go, always, everywhere.
I will always be with the Eternal, in Your house forever."
Psalm 23 -  The Voice

David and many others such as Ezekiel and Isaiah, saw God in the image of a Shepherd.   Jesus refers to Himself as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11).   Of all the images, why someone who spends time with sheep?  It is a vivid image of God's gentle loving kindness and care  for His people. 

Some qualities about a good shepherd -
- Takes ownership of the sheep
- Lays down His life for the sheep
- Directs the sheep
- Responsible for providing for and caring for the sheep
- The sheep cannot survive without the shepherds care
- Shepherds are humble servants continually giving of themselves for the sheep
- Provide the sheep gentle care
- Care for the lost and seek them out, bringing them back
- Protect the young
- Strengthen the weak
- Heal the injured sheep, bind them up until they grow stronger
- Feed the healthy sheep and sustain them

I am your Shepherd
The One who cares for you
I am with you
helping you through 
You are not without my provision
or poor and in lack
I will clearly be seen
Don't hold yourself back
Seek me in all and spend the day in my care
My daughter, don't be afraid
that I won't meet you there
I am with you always
Even to the end of age
My kindness, mercy and goodness
Are your daily wage

Lord, You provide all we need.  Help us to rest in your loving care.


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