Holy Spirit Guide Us!
“Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue.” (Daniel 4:27)
Daniel spoke this verse to the king as he had declared a decree over him by the Most High that he would be driven away from all that he had to live with wild animals and eat grass. The king would lose his mind for a time so he would be brought down to humility and understand that it is the Lord that provides for him and establishes him as king. The king ignored Daniel’s warning and continued to become more and more puffed up with pride.
Pride brings judgement. It is exalting yourself as being the greatest rather than exalting God and acknowledging His blessing. When we become puffed up with pride, it separates us from God and results in a downfall. Humility, seeing the blessings in your life from God and exalting Him, is the opposite of pride.
Humility is not debasing yourself, but realizing your divine design is a gift from God and walking in it while humbly acknowledging the greatness of the Lord as the One who sustains you. Humility exalts God through your life rather than yourself. Humility is God centered where pride is self-centered.
Here, Daniel encourages the king to acknowledge God and give to the oppressed. Interesting that this is the solution he gives for his pride, to show repentance. There is something about God’s favor in caring for the poor and oppressed. I saw this years ago with getting my two youngest boys. As I stepped into this new journey, everything spiritually became easier. Where I sometimes had to wait on hearing God, He was speaking clearly at every turn.
I went through a season where I didn’t take the time to press in to read the word or have morning devotional time as my boys needed all my time and energy. When I did sit down for a second to talk to God, he would just pour out on me. It was a downpour of revelation. I was so blessed in this season when they were young.
Micah 6:8 says, “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”
And Proverbs 31:1-9 says not to spend your time drinking and indulging or you may deprive the oppressed and perish; but instead, speak up for those who are destitute and for the rights of the poor and needy.
I found myself struggling with speaking up a little last week on what is demanding rights and what is speaking up and making room for and trusting God. My littlest has been struggling with school. I worked out for him to get the help he needed in his IEP. Everyone agreed and it was working out great. Carter felt more confident than ever that he could succeed. I was so grateful. But then a policy came up that took away some of this support.
Upon the advice of his skills worker, I had to request a second IEP session, called a conciliation session to get some support worked out for him. The school was reluctant so I had to have several conversations and discussions, including people at my overall school district. It was so hard to be the squeaky wheel in disagreement. We finally got together and I was able to get some of the support back for this year but it still leaves things uncertain for next year. In the midst of it, Carter was able to come and speak for himself on what he needed. I was so proud of him as this took such courage in a room full of all adults.
In conflict, my overall style is accommodating so it is stressful and tough to know how hard to press on something. I want to collaborate when the opportunities arise but not everyone is open to discussion. Also, as I press, if I get into fear, I find myself pushing too hard at the expense of others and, in this situation, I even made a threat of getting an attorney involved. Then I had a dream that night that I had to get rid of the baby alligator and I knew this was using power to force the situation so I took a different approach of seeking some mercy for Carter needing help.
In knowing where to stand, I know it is always best to error on the side of being kind and understanding. But I also see Christians that are so accommodating and kind that they just don’t speak up for the needs of those who are under their care. This is why in conflict, it is so important that we are led by the Lord. He needs to clearly guide us through conflict in a way that is the best for all involved.
The Lord does not lead us to just avoid conflict and difficulty. Often, he steers us right into it. In Luke 8:22-25, the Lord told His disciples they should cross to the other side of the lake in a boat. He picked the time and place, knowing what they would face and settled down in the boat for a nap. He was unconcerned. Meanwhile a huge, fierce storm came and almost totally overtook them. They were afraid of drowning. They woke Him up in a panic, He calms the storm and asks, “Where is your faith?”
It brings to my heart Exodus 28:29-31, “And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial before the LORD continually. And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before the LORD: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually. And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all of blue.
The judgment hear is also translated “decision.” The breastplate is called this because it carries the Urim and Thummin which was used to make decisions. The priest wearing it would look into the breastplate to make decisions for the people. The Urim was yes, or the Lord’s approval and the Thummim was no or the Lord’s disapproval.
I love the shadow representation of following the Lord that is in this picture. All the tribes were included— nobody was left out. And the priest wore it on his heart as he would bring it before the Lord. When we make decisions, we need to come before the Lord and consider everyone involved.
God will often highlight a way to go, thus the Urim and Thummin is that inner voice inside us that weighs on our heart for which way to go. The ephod of all blue that it is placed upon, represents the Holy Spirit. In following this still small voice that weighs on our heart, we are listening to the Holy Spirit connecting with our heart and guiding us on the right path.
David used the Urim and Thummin to determine his path when Saul was after him. In 1 Samuel 23:9-12 it says, “When David learned that Saul was plotting against him, he said to Abiathar the priest, ‘Bring the ephod.’ David said, “Lord, God of Israel, your servant has heard definitely that Saul plans to come to Keilah and destroy the town on account of me. Will the citizens of Keilah surrender me to him? Will Saul come down, as your servant has heard? Lord, God of Israel, tell your servant.’ And the Lord said, ‘He will.’ Again David asked, ‘Will the citizens of Keilah surrender me and my men to Saul?’ And the Lord said, ‘They will.’
David was guided in his decision by the Lord. There were also times that Saul tried to use the Urim and Thummin and didn’t get an answer because of his sin. This is a great representation of sin getting in the way of hearing the voice of the Lord. We cannot demand an answer by the Lord but only are guided in a surrendered state of loving trust of God as we look to Him for this guidance.
Following the Lord is not as external as it was for me in the past. I used to be able to get verse after verse for guidance. He so clearly would give me a promise and then fulfill it in my life. Now promises no longer come so quickly to pass. Someone gave me a word that God would speak and it would come to pass but now it is more of a marathon. I need to continue to hold the promises of the Lord in my heart and let them guide me over time into His purposes, trusting He will fulfill them in His time. This is much harder for me and sometimes can be a little discouraging.
Also, so many things that I wish I had a clear and definite answer. Wish I could get a clear yes and no to everything. Like now as I am seeing my boys biological mom, she is doing much better and is coming up on one year of sobriety. She would love to connect with the boys but is trusting my guidance on when. When is the right time to let her connect with them? She had terminated rights and if I let her back in now, how do I protect them from further trauma? Carter had struggled with significant trauma coming up when he connected with biological family. How do I know when the time is right?
Also, some of the friends of my boys are struggling substantially with making poor choices at times. Some of them are vaping and even smoking marijuana. Recently, a boy who was evicted from multiple schools because of a temper, but goes to the same church, wants to come over and hang with my son. How much do I protect my son or do I encourage this? The parents of these boys, seeing their boys getting into things they shouldn’t and making poor choices, are encouraging their kids to come hang out with my son because he is so responsible and makes wise choices. Can I trust my son will influence these troubled kids or that these kids may influence my son?
“If you say release, I’m letting go… if you say to jump, I am jumping in, If you say to wait, I am staying still…Teach me to follow, I don’t want to follow my own way, I’m done trusting feelings, Spirit in me… I’m going to let the Spirit lead me” sings.
How do we know are on the right track with following Him? Mostly because my heart is so captivated. I just really have no choice but to follow it. Where else would I go? I have this deep inner desire for revival. Not just for revival sake but for preparation for his return. I had a dream recently that I turned on the radio and every channel I turned to was the sound of revival pouring out. I kept saying, “Wow God!” Then I looked down and looked like an orange life jacket with many slats joined together. Not sure if these represented ministries, denominations, or locations. My sense was that the life jacket represented our nation.
So then the question becomes how much to press in? Where do I go and how do I seek Him? I want to be where He is at. How do I best follow this to make this happen? This is the marathon-- it is pressing in for His return. Ironic that I used to think multiple times a day about suicide, it consumed me. Now, while I do want to be ‘taken up’ into His arms in difficulty and tribulation, being held close, I don’t want to escape and leave others behind in anguish and anxiety. Being in His will and preparing for His return consumes me.
“Spirit break out, break our walls down, heaven come down… be glorified” sings.
Lord, forgive me for my short fallings. Help me to be led by You. Holy Spirit, guide us into the fullness of Your will. We want to follow and obey. Help us to be guided by Your Spirit into all that You have for us. Let revival come as You prepare the way for Your return.