He is Found in the Simplicity of the Still Small Voice
Everyone asks themselves what the world will look like as we have so many rapid changes and as we are embarking on AI. Here are a few thoughts that I had, much of this comes from a glimpse, I have thought, in dreams at different times or just thoughts. Video game style selections for fabricated purchases: Items will become more customizable and individualized at the core. Like in a video game, where you can select and customize your own car, you will be able to select fenders, top, body, etc., and customize your car exactly how you want it on the Web. Things like color where our preferences change over time, they will become more displays that we program to our liking at the time. Then when you hit save and produce, it will produce it at a distribution center.
In this, we will see styles like Mustang, Mercedes, and Porsche, just design preferences and components we can choose from. This will mean that big names and big businesses built on specific styles will dissipate. Branding will be focused on individual preferences rather than name brands so they will re-appear as no-name distribution centers. Cars will be built with such quality considerations as road terrain, displays, and personal expression.
Homes will become more prefabricated. Building them will move from builders coming with brick and mortar and sweat and tears from drawn-out designs to computer designs and styles that are chosen. When selected, the process of building them will come from distribution centers that use more of a 3D printing style.
This is the same with many other purchases. More distribution centers of 3D printing style durable goods.
People will not go away but become more the expressions of their preferences. Clothes continue to move towards expression such as that you cannot tell the difference between men and women by their clothes. Men's and women clothes appear to be focused around combinations of their designs and an expression of their thoughts rather than a specific style. More men wear women’s clothes and women wearing men's clothes as gender identity based on preference continues to grow in popularity.
And medically, people continue to turn the dial back and forth on sexuality. They prefer to be a man, then change to a women, then after a time, turn back to be a man. And as we have seen lately, there is also a move towards binary for those who prefer something in-between.
Computers and the web continue to be a central hub. Phones and other activities link through them to store data, keep preferences, and connect to each other. Phones also move to more a web-based platform of conversations that can be individual or group connected with preference being key and physical visibility and expression being regular options. Transcripts, recordings, records are all electronically stored. (already here)
Electronics and advertising will follow a person. We will have an electronic fingerprint sort of speak as we go into waiting rooms and have our own personal preferences of entertainment to choose from. In stores, the advertisements will be custom specifically to us, our preferences, our purchases and our sizes.
Computers are the center of our “safe” entertainment. Like as cars stop instantly when someone steps out on the road, safety features will continue to be built into things that protect human life. More and more, the “accident” factor is removed and things are fully planned through for safety with computers.
Also, the 5D style continues to grow in people being able to experience their electronic environment. People can experience a waterfall on their computer with all their senses. This also comes from this virtual reality environment where you can plug into it. As you put on your VR helmet and prick your finger, you will not only be able to taste and smell an environment, but experience a true sense of motion for things like water skiing. There will be a brief moment that your body feels ill but then it adjust to entering the VR reality.
As people occasionally like the real, the escape room entertainment style continues to grow in popularity. A movie set style area is set aside for playing out virtual activities, games, and horror. People will be at a site where the ‘enemy attacks’ or hunts them down based upon a video game style fantasy. These sets transition fairly inexpensively to new sets to give people different entertainment options over time.
DNA adjustments. Medical moves more towards the “super shot.” As we became familiar with through COVID, shot can impact to the DNA level. This will eventually come to a place where kidneys, livers, hearts, and other medical issues will be adjusted at this level. A Super Shot adjusts the DNA to a standard of health for any given condition. We also see this DNA adjustment approach be used to an extent with people for not only health but in creating height and feature preferences.
As adjusting DNA and attributes becomes more common, we will see it played out in animals as well as people. Race Horses will be bread to have super long legs for example. There will need to be constraints put on this so it does not get out of control. Animal cruelty plays a role in getting this under control as people adjust attributes to their preferences for pets for example.
Books and information continue to become much more personalized. There is a centering around individual preferences even from childhood. Books with your name written in them just become the standard as a child. Special poems written and published just to celebrate you. But what comes from this is a grown desire and centered around personalization and individual preferences.
In a dream, I saw wars being fought more offshore utilizing heavy drones and tanks that appeared to be remotely controled. In wars dominance goes to high tech countries. Luxury, comfort, and personalization continue to be top priorities of these countries. High tech countries will defiantly continue to rule the show as we see chaos and disorder (demonic) run rampant in 3rd world countries – the fruit of their sowing into evil practices.
I had a dream not to long ago that precincts were dissipated and we shifted to an overall larger system in managing the police force. In my dream, it worked much better. As AI helps people to plan and coordinate, using instant communication and good information for response, I believe we will see bigger overall structures (more reliant on information and computer interaction) with more distribution center style of local service. There will be bigger overall structures and consistency on how things that are a priority like fire and police serve people. And for business operations, rather than Amazon being a thing of the past, this style of operating becomes even more central. There is an over-arching structure that relies heavily on information but uses local areas for customizable and personalized experiences down to the finite part of the experience.
The conjurer. So recently I tried AI to edit my writing. I thought to myself, I will just try it as computers themselves are not good or bad – they are neutral. I went out and took my book, Holy Pursuit, and asked AI to make it more fiery on the introduction chapter. It did! It actually sounded pretty good and I was amazed! It kept all my thoughts but enhanced the language expression. I even thought I would republish. But then I went to sleep that night and I saw this fiery dragon that was in my book. As it felt like fire when I read that part, I could see that it was a demon that was conjured up and invited in. All this to say that man + AI or MAI (interestingly enough, I AM backward) is not a personal human expression of worship, it is geared again towards enhancing the individual and catering to preferences. Demons have always been looking for entrance and continue to do so. If we look to enhance ourselves, and fail to walk in His anointing that comes from a place of dependence upon Him, this is a perfect platform for them to have some space. AI editing is probably not evil in itself, it is a tool, but it can make room for that which is demonic without realizing it.
Like much of the technology, it distracts, caters, and crowds out God. This leads me to the last point. Lovers of self. In filling the gaps of dependence upon God with electronic devices, it brings us to this place of wanting to be like God rather than with God. In still being Adam eating of the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, it becomes all the easier to choose to be like God rather than with God through AI. At some point, I am sure that there will be AI options for worship experiences where people’s senses are heightened, and they feel as though they have encountered God’s presence. I had a dream once that I was worshipping and experiencing God within a virtual environment..
It is much easier to ask AI to help me write something entertaining and interesting rather than leaning into the Holy Spirit for what He is speaking to me. It becomes much easier to get a shot or some medication rather than asking God for healing. It becomes much easier to live out of preferences than self-sacrifice. It becomes much easier to be distracted by entertainment rather than mercifully help the poor among us. It even becomes much easier to ask AI to fix our problems so we can feel better about the world than allow our own suffering to create growth and energy toward change.
How incredibly grateful we can be to live in a country where God’s hand of blessing has resided upon us and prospered us. We are truly blessed beyond measure. But like the people of Israel, our prosperity and technology can also lead to personalization and preferences becoming central from our desires and lose sight of God completely. This grieves God's heart.
Like Elijah at Horab where God was not in the powerful wind, earthquake, or fire, God cannot be found in the electronic distractions, enhancements, and experiences. He cannot be found in AI enhancements. He is still found in the still small voice that speaks to our soul out of the quiet places. And this requires us to put all this stuff aside and listen intently to Him. We were created, not for AI, but for Him. When it comes to true options, we only have one life to live and we get to choose who we live it for. Let’s choose Him!