"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous."

Located at: https://brokenstringsandprettythings.wordpress.com/2013/01/

“The leaders of Israel stood up, and the people offered themselves willingly -praise the Eternal One!...

The chiefs of Issachar came with Deborah; Issachar was faithful to Barak, And they rushed into the valley, close at his heels.
And the clans of Reuben wondered in their heart, 'Why did those of Gilead remain beyond the Jordan? Why did the people of Dan stay with their ships? Why did the people of Asher stay on the coast, settling down where they landed?'
But Zebulun did not fear death, and Naphtali, too, stared down death on the heights where the battle raged....

'A curse on Meroz!' said the messenger of the Eternal One; 'May its people be bitterly cursed, Because they did not come to help the Eternal, to stand with the Eternal against the mighty foes!' But Jael, the wife of Herber, the Kenite -most blessed of women is she, favored above all women who dwell in tents!” (Judges 5:2,15-18; 23-24)

This was the song of Deborah and Barak, who during a dark time in Israel's history, led some of the tribes of Israel in battle against the Amalekites. The Lord sent them, went ahead of them, and was with them giving them the victory.

Borak, although he was afraid, agreed to go into battle on the agreement that Deborah, a prophetess and judge over Israel who gave him the word that God was calling him to this charge, would go with him. When they went, some of the Israelite tribes chose to bravely fight, trusting God and others stood back aloof and refused to join. As a result of the victory, the people had peace for 40 years following.

Makes me think of the song my kids sing over and over every day,
“You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the love that made a way”
Read more:
Bethel Music - You Make Me Brave Lrics | MetroLyrics

Gideon was another one that God called to step out. The Eternal's messenger appeared to Gideon and told him, “The Eternal One is with you, mighty warrior.” (Judges 6:12) He addressed him and told him, “Go out with your strength and rescue Israel from the oppression of Midian. Do you understand that I am the one sending you? (vs 14).

Gideon could not believe that God was really sending him. He told him, “But, Lord, how am I supposed to deliver Israel? My family is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least of my family.” (vs. 15)

Eventually after testing God, Gideon believed and obeyed. He called the tribes of Israel to fight with him and they gathered and followed him. God provided more than enough and then even had Gideon reduce the number of warriors to fight from 32,000 to 300. With this little troop, Gideon led the people to victory.

Ray C. Stedman in his online book, The Great Imitation, writes, “The eternal life that Jesus brings to us is radical, not superficial. It is humble, not self-promoting. It is compassionate, not indifferent. It is courageous, not timid or retiring.” [1]

God calls us to live differently than the world. He calls us to be fully engaged and passionate and not indifferent. He calls us to care about what He cares about rather than our own agendas. He calls us to care about what is going on around us and not stand back. He calls us to humbly and courageously look at who He is in light of challenges and difficulties rather than our own sufficiency.

But just as it was with the Israelites, it is a choice to open our ears to what God is speaking and choose to listen and follow. We have to choose to live courageously and trust God will take care of the outcome as we step out in obedience.

As we follow Him, we learn that it is not about what we can provide or have in resources, but who He is and what He is capable of doing. When He promises, He fulfills His promises as we trust in Him and look to Him.

Jesus was bold, passionate, compassionate and humble. As we allow God to make us courageous, we are following Christ and growing in His image.

Romans 13:4 says, “Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”

Margaret Feinberg in Wonderstruck, writes of her Grandfather who she calls “Cactus Jack. She notes he refused to live sleepy but “embarked each day wide-eyed to the possibilities.” She writes, “Cactus Jack embraced the life many are afraid to live.”

She goes on to note, “Too many of us play and pray it safe. We allow our aspirations to stay in our heads, our goals to remain barely outside our grasp. Life becomes a series of unrealized hopes and dreams. Rather than engage in the fullness of life, we remain on the sidelines and pass up uncounted opportunities. Our fears become greater than the hope of the One who came to bring us abundant life.” [2]

While it is great to encourage others, sometimes we become more a fan than a player. We feel part of it because we are cheering on the victory, but fail to get off the bench and play our part. We all have gifts to bring to the table. Sometimes fear keeps us hiding on the sidelines rather than courageously entering into what all God has for us.

Sometimes what God has for us is not comfortable, safe and secure so we are reluctant to move towards it. Ever been there? It is so easy (speaking of myself here) to make excuses for why it isn't a good time, the conditions are not right yet, or we are not sure we are really, I mean really, hearing from God. Plus, who wants to make decisions that look a little crazy when they cannot logically justify them other than, “I felt God told me.” We can have such reluctant hearts.

Lord, forgive me where I have been reluctant to follow you. Forgive me for where I have preferred to stay in my comfort and security rather than step out and follow my heart to risky places. Awaken our hearts to Your voice that calls us out to where we may not want to go. Give us the courage and faith we need to follow You. Remind us that it is not about what we are capable of but what you are.
Let us love You and others around us bravely. 

1. Stedman, Ray. The Great Imitation. Located at: http://www.raystedman.org/authentic-christianity/the-great-imitation. Last Accessed: 7/14/15

2. Feinberg, Margaret. Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God. Worthy Publishing, Brentwood Tennessee. 2012.


Love this reminder, Twila. Needed this today.

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