They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights

“How much more time do you intend to waste before going to claim the land the Eternal God of your ancestors is giving you?” (Joshua 18:3)

Joshua challenged the remaining Israelites, seven tribes that still had not received their inheritance of land, to claim it.

The people actually took risky steps that were based upon seeing with their spiritual eyes of faith rather than looking at things based upon the obstacles. Entering into the good land that God has for us involves faith. One needs to have open eyes that can see the land God has for them, an awakened heart to receive it is for them, and faith to enter into the promises.

Receiving the promises of God and entering into the good land were not the result of their own hard work but being willing to trust God and move forward in faith. As they did, they inherited the promises and their faith grew and was strengthened.

I have a situation that sometimes I look at the list of obstacles and feel frightened. I quickly feel over my head when I look at the difficulties. Talking with friends about the difficulties and obstacles, some will tell me to turn back.

On the other hand, I see God's hand at work in so many ways. I feel he brought me to the edge of this land. I have even tasted of the wonderful fruit of this good land. When I see this land through eyes of faith, I feel incredibly blessed, grateful and full of joy unspeakable. I know what He has spoken and already have seen some of the promise come to pass. The choice is mine to believe in His goodness, receive and enter in or to turn back.

Either way I know I am loved, but if I were to turn back, I would miss out on inheriting this land. Sometimes, not wanting to trust but not wanting to turn back, I try to work hard at things so that I can somehow make His promises come to pass. When all we are seeing are the obstacles before us, we need someone with faith to encourage us not to work harder but trust God.

Joshua told the people, “Just hold tightly to the Eternal One, your True God, as you always have, for He has driven out great and powerful nations before you like leaves in the wind, and you know that no one has ever been able to stand against you. One of you can pursue a thousand because it is He who fights for you, just as He promised.”

The people were not rebellious to God as the previous generation and refuse to enter in, they stepped forward in faith and obtained the promises. Joshua told the people at the end of his life, “But I want to leave you with these thoughts: Think back and you will know without a doubt that not one single good thing that the Eternal One, your God, promised you has been left undone. Not a single one.” (Joshua 23:14)

This good land God had for them was a place that is filled with life, fullness, bounty. It is also a place of freedom, rest and peace.

Caleb was a man of faith and Moses promised him because of his faith, “Someday the land on which you have walked will be given to you and your children as an inheritance forever because you have been completely faithful to the Eternal One, my God.” (Joshua 14:9)

Caleb claimed this land and told Joshua, “You heard then how the Anakim were there with great fortified cities, and so they are still. Because the Eternal goes with me, I will drive them out, just as He has said.” (Joshua 14:12)

Because Caleb obeyed God, stepped out in faith and claimed the land, then in faith drove out all those who opposed, the land had rest from war. Or as my translation notes, “So that land was peaceful.”

As we step out in faith, open our eyes to the promises and are willing to enter in, God removes the obstacles that stand in our way miraculously. Not only this, but as He asks us to move towards (surrendering and removing vs. accepting) those things that threaten our peace, He drives out our enemy from the land and gives us freedom. We enter more and more into the fullness of the goodness God has for us.

Sometimes I think what can keep us from seeing the promises God has for us and entering in can also be our idealistic Garden of Eden expectations. We have an ideal of what we should have, obtain, and/or achieve. If we could just have wealth, the perfect job, perfect marriage, perfect relationship, and/or success we would live in this place of promise and have peace. The problem is we never “get there” and it is never enough. We are left in want.

We don't see the good land right before us because we are gazing on this thing we want rather than God. Our eyes are opened as we look away from want and back to God. We see the good land we have been missing that is right before us because we have been looking in the wrong places. It is God who leads us into the good land and gives us the victory.

I come back to this place of tasting of the good land not being about obtaining something, doing something or having something. Rather it is about life and love springing up in divine ways as we look to God. It is this feast of abundance that not only is for us, but overflows on all those around us.

Lord, forgive me for doubting Your promises at times and counting all the ways that things could go wrong. Let us be people with eyes that are open to see the good land before us. Open our hearts to trust You in the midst of any obstacles in the way. Give us courage to press in and receive even when the way does not feel safe. Fill us full to overflowing with Your abundance.


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